Wednesday, July 21, 2010

It's GP time again!

It's too bad that I'm not bringin' a bike this time around, but it'll be refreshing to see the world's best do battle. As usual, I'm rooting for Rossifumi even though his leg is broken, I still think he has a chance.... just a chance. ;)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

510 in the new transformers movie!

Looks like bumblebee is going to be a yellow Datsun 510 in the new flick! Good for me since it will help the value of the dimes. Too bad it's not a wagon, but it is the same color and lip spoiler. lol I'm now taking offers of $30,000.00 and up :P

Thursday, July 8, 2010

V12 CBX running down the road (alley)

All built in a dimly lit garage in La Jolla.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

mick doohan princes of the univer

The 500cc GP bike were so bad ass! And Mick Doohan was the baddest of the bad asses that tamed these wild beasts!